Entries by Dr. Nicholas Romanov


Training: How to Train for Any Distance

The subject of training for specific distance in running is not as simple or “obvious” as it might seem. Whereas doing sprints while getting ready for 100m seems logical and reasonable, just because you’re preparing to run a marathon, doesn’t mean you should run one during training.

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Theory and Practice: Muscles + Practical Information

I see online and overhear sometimes discussions of muscles and I wonder if people participating in the discussion are conducting a scientific experiment, putting forth a hypothesis or are they participating in a theoretical discussion of human anatomy. It is so popular to throw around scientific terms and big words. However, all of that is […]

Theory + Practice: The Most Important Exercise for Runners

In the noise of discussions and debates about technique, one of the most vital aspects of training for runners always gets lost – strength conditioning. It is so important that I can not emphasize it strongly enough. Lack of adequate strength is a sure road to underperformance and injuries. Lucky for us, while building strength […]


Theory + Practice: Why Runners Should Not Focus on Their Footstrike

If you were to attend one of the Pose Method seminars on running technique you’d hear something many don’t expect to hear – an instruction of the participants to not focus on their footstrike. “Forget about footstrike! Pull, pull, pull!” If you’ve already attended the course, you know why, and for everyone else, the answer is simple –

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Technique: How High to Pull Your Foot Up When Running?

Effortless running is achieved through biomechanically proper technique because such technique works with, and uses, the natural forces such as gravity. By its very definition, effortless running requires, or should take, less effort. So, if all we need to do is change support in order to run, then the ultimate goal is to do that action with the least possible effort.